Friday, June 17, 2016

Oracle Apps R12.2 Log Files Location

1. R12.2 Start/Stop Log Files:

a) Startup/Shutdown error message text files like adstrtal.txt, adstpall, adapcctl.txt, adcmctl.txt…for services like oacore, forms, apache, opmn, weblogic admin server/node manager etc
Log files for start/stop of services from $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME
Here is an image representing EBS R12.2 Service control (start/stop) logs:
Green colour boxes indicates location of log files 

 2. Patching Log files:
a) The Online Patching (ADOP) log files are located on the non-editioned file system (fs_ne), under :
$NE_BASE/ EBSapps/ log/adop//__
Notefs1 and fs2 are dual file system for software where as fs_ne contains non editioned objects 
This log directory will contain patch logspatch worker logs and other patch related log files created for specific purposes.
Also, some patch tasks may create separate log files in the same directory from where patch executable is started
3. Log files for concurrent programs/managers
$NE_BASE/ inst//logs/appl/conc/log
 Output files for concurrent programs/managers
Here is an image representing EBS R12.2 Non-Editioned file system Logs:
Patching Log file Location:
4. Cloning related Log Files:
a) Pre-clone log files in source instance
     I. Database Tier
    II. Application Tier
$INST_TOP/admin/log/ (StageAppsTier_MMDDHHMM.log)
b) Clone log files in target instance
    I. Database Tier
    II. Apps Tier

5. AutoConfig log file:
Autoconfig can be run on Application Tier or Database Tier
a) Autoconfig Log Location on Application tier :
b) Autoconfig Log Location on Database tier:
$ORACLE_HOME/ appsutil/ log/ $CONTEXT_NAME/ /  *.log

6.  Installation Related Logs:
There are four main phases (in context of logs) during R12.2 installation, here is log location of all four phases .
a) The Rapidwiz Configuration File is saved in below locations:
/ appsutil/ conf_.txt
b) Pre-install system check logs:
c) Database tier
I. Main Installation log:
RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/ appsutil/ log/ $CONTEXT_NAME/ .log
II. ORACLE HOME installation logs:
RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/ temp/ $CONTEXT_NAME/ logs/ *.log
d) Application tier
Both primary(Run) and Secondary Edition (Patch) file systems will each contain these logs:
    I. Main Installation Log:
    II. FMW and OHS TechStack Installation/Patching logs:
    III. Forms Oracle Home installation logs:
Here is an image representing the R12.2 Installation logs

6. Fusion Middleware (FMW_HOME) Log Files:
a) Log files for OPMN and OHS processes: Below directory contains log files related OPMN process(opmn.log), OPMN Debug logs(debug.log), HTTP Transaction logs (access.log), security settings related logs.
$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/ instances/ /diagnostics/logs
b) Log files for weblogic node manager: Log file is generated by Node Manager and contains data for all domains that are controlled by Node Manager on a given physical machine.
$FMW_HOME/ wlserver_10.3/ common/ nodemanager/ nmHome1/ nodemanager.log
c) Log files for weblogic Oracle Management Service log file: Initial settings AdminServer and Domain level information is written in this log file.
d) Log files for server processes initiated through weblogic: Stdout and stderr messages generated by the server instance (server instances like forms, oafm, oacore etc) at NOTICE severity level or higher are written by Weblogic Node Manager to below directory.
$EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/ servers/ / logs/ .out
Here is an image representing EBS R12.2 Fusion Middleware Log files:

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Archive shipping from Primary to DR was not working.

Checked alert log on DR site and it was waiting for an archive from Primary.

On Primary following error was there in alert log :

Error 1033 received logging on to the standby

Re-created password file on Primary and copied it over to DR site to fix the issue.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Calculate ArchiveLog Size

Archivelog size each day

SQL> select trunc(COMPLETION_TIME) TIME, SUM(BLOCKS * BLOCK_SIZE)/1024/1024 SIZE_MB from V$ARCHIVED_LOG group by trunc (COMPLETION_TIME) order by 1;

---------- ----------
2011-02-12 71797.87
2011-02-13 75880.52
2011-02-14 73569.37
2011-02-15 76776.81
2011-02-16 73959.86
2011-02-17 69969.71
2011-02-18 74677.10
2011-02-19 75474.95
2011-02-20 77967.07
2011-02-21 67802.70

Archivelog size each hour

SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24';

Session altered.

SQL> select trunc(COMPLETION_TIME,'HH24') TIME, SUM(BLOCKS * BLOCK_SIZE)/1024/1024 SIZE_MB from V$ARCHIVED_LOG group by trunc (COMPLETION_TIME,'HH24') order by 1;

------------- ----------
2011-02-21 00 6396.65
2011-02-21 01 2797.31
2011-02-21 02 2010.45
2011-02-21 03 1871.77
2011-02-21 04 1481.5
2011-02-21 05 2868.20
2011-02-21 06 2363.89
2011-02-21 07 4269.26
2011-02-21 08 2469.08
2011-02-21 09 3007.06
2011-02-21 10 3561.97
2011-02-21 11 2530.57
2011-02-21 12 3509.08
2011-02-21 13 3022.5
2011-02-21 14 3514.97
2011-02-21 15 4057.45
2011-02-21 16 3021.27
2011-02-21 17 4014.31
2011-02-21 18 4011.66
2011-02-21 19 4008.10
2011-02-21 20 3015.46

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Apply Phase Options ABANDON and RESTART

adop phase=apply patches=10721639 abandon=yes

Used to specify whether to restart the previous run of adop. May be useful if the previous action had an error. Note: If there was an error in the previous run, and 'abandon' is not set to 'yes', the same parameters will be re-used that were used in the failed run.

If you give a value for the 'restart' parameter, it cannot be the same as the value given for this parameter.

adop phase=apply patches=10721639 restart=yes

Used to specify whether to restart the previous run of ADOP. May be useful if the previous action had an error.

If you give a value for the 'abandon' parameter, it cannot be the same as the value given for this parameter.

The below option is not going to work

adop phase=apply patches=10721639 restart=yes abandon=yes