You can execute adpatch by logging in as the applications OS user and sourcing the appropriate environment file.
# su - applmgr
$ . ./APPSORA.env
$ adpatch
By default adpatch does not take any clause, but there are some clauses that you could use with adpatch
Running a patch in test mode
You can use the apply clause with adpatch to specify weather to run the patch in TEST mode or not, when you run the patch in test mode it does not do any changes but runs generates a log fiule with all the actions it would have performed.
$ adpatch apply=n|y
The default is apply=y
Pre-install Mode
You can also run a patch in pre install mode, this would be done normally during an upgrade or consolidated update. When a patch is applied in a preinstall mode the all the AD utilities are updated before the upgrade or update.
$ adpatch preinstall=y
The default is preinstall=n
Other Options with adpatch
You can use the options clause to specify some of the other options available with adpatch.
You can use the options=noautoconfig top specify autopatch that you do not wish to run autoconfig as a part of the patch application. This can be useful when applying a large number of patches when they are not merged. By default autoconfig is run as a part of adpatch.
$ adpatch options=noautoconfig
The chekfile option of adpatch tells adpathc to check for already executed exec, SQL, and exectier commands.You can use options=nocheckfile skips this check, however this can cause performance overheds so should be used only when specified.
$ adpatch options=nocheckfile
Compile Database
By defaulty autopatch compiles the invalid objects after the patch application, in case you wish not to do so you can specify options=nocompiledb along with autopatch.
$ adpatch options=nocompiledb
Compile JSP
By defaulty autopatch compiles the java server pages (jsp) after the patch application, in case you wish not to do so you can specify options=nocompilejsp along with autopatch.
$ adpatch options=nocompilejsp
Copy Portion
If you wish adpatch not to execute the commands present in the copy driver portion of the patch you can use the options=nocopyportion.
$ adpatch options=nocopyportion
Database Portion
If you wish adpatch not to execute the commands present in the database driver portion of the patch you can use the options=nodatabaseportion.
$ adpatch options=nodatabaseportion
Generate Portion
If you wish adpatch not to execute the commands present in the generate driver portion of the patch you can use the options=nogenerateportion
$ adpatch options=nogenerateportion
Maintenance Mode
If you wish to apply a patch regardless of the system being in maintenance mode you can use options=hotpatch.
$adpatch options=hotpatch
Integrity Check
If you wish to check the integrity of the patch you can use the options=integrity. Since metalink patches are pre checked for their integrity it is generally not required to do an explicit check and the default value is nointegrity.
$ adpatch options=integrity
Maintain MRC
You can use the maintainmrc option to specify weather you wish adpatch to execute the Maintain MRC schema as a part of the patch application or not. By default maintain MRC is done for standard patches and is disbaled for tarnslation and documentation patches.
$ adpatch options=nomaintainmrc
Pre requisite Patch Check
If you wish adpatch not to check for pre requisite patches before application of the main patch you can use options=noprereq.By default pre requsite checking is enabled.
$ adpatch options=noprereq
Validate Schemas
If you wish adpatch to explicitly validate all the registed schems by making a connection you can use options=validate. By default this validation is not performed.
$ adpatch options=validate
Java Classes
If you wish adpatch not to copy new java classes from the patch you can use options=nojcopy.By default java classes are copied.
$ adpatch options=nojcopy
Force Copy
By default adpatch copies the files without check the version of the existing files already present on the system.If you do not wish the newer version of the file to be replaced by the older version contained in the patch use options=noforcecopy.
$ adpatch options=noforcecopy
If you wish adpatch not do perform relinking you can use options=nolink.
$adpatch options=nolink
Generate Forms
If you wish adpatch not to generate the forms files you can specify options=nogenform.
$ adpatch options=nogenform
Generate Reports
If you wish adpatch not to generate the report files you can specify options=nogenrep.
$ adpatch options=nogenrep
You could specify multiple options at the command line using the , delimiter.
$ adpatch options=hotpatch,nojcopy
# su - applmgr
$ . ./APPSORA.env
$ adpatch
By default adpatch does not take any clause, but there are some clauses that you could use with adpatch
Running a patch in test mode
You can use the apply clause with adpatch to specify weather to run the patch in TEST mode or not, when you run the patch in test mode it does not do any changes but runs generates a log fiule with all the actions it would have performed.
$ adpatch apply=n|y
The default is apply=y
Pre-install Mode
You can also run a patch in pre install mode, this would be done normally during an upgrade or consolidated update. When a patch is applied in a preinstall mode the all the AD utilities are updated before the upgrade or update.
$ adpatch preinstall=y
The default is preinstall=n
Other Options with adpatch
You can use the options clause to specify some of the other options available with adpatch.
You can use the options=noautoconfig top specify autopatch that you do not wish to run autoconfig as a part of the patch application. This can be useful when applying a large number of patches when they are not merged. By default autoconfig is run as a part of adpatch.
$ adpatch options=noautoconfig
The chekfile option of adpatch tells adpathc to check for already executed exec, SQL, and exectier commands.You can use options=nocheckfile skips this check, however this can cause performance overheds so should be used only when specified.
$ adpatch options=nocheckfile
Compile Database
By defaulty autopatch compiles the invalid objects after the patch application, in case you wish not to do so you can specify options=nocompiledb along with autopatch.
$ adpatch options=nocompiledb
Compile JSP
By defaulty autopatch compiles the java server pages (jsp) after the patch application, in case you wish not to do so you can specify options=nocompilejsp along with autopatch.
$ adpatch options=nocompilejsp
Copy Portion
If you wish adpatch not to execute the commands present in the copy driver portion of the patch you can use the options=nocopyportion.
$ adpatch options=nocopyportion
Database Portion
If you wish adpatch not to execute the commands present in the database driver portion of the patch you can use the options=nodatabaseportion.
$ adpatch options=nodatabaseportion
Generate Portion
If you wish adpatch not to execute the commands present in the generate driver portion of the patch you can use the options=nogenerateportion
$ adpatch options=nogenerateportion
Maintenance Mode
If you wish to apply a patch regardless of the system being in maintenance mode you can use options=hotpatch.
$adpatch options=hotpatch
Integrity Check
If you wish to check the integrity of the patch you can use the options=integrity. Since metalink patches are pre checked for their integrity it is generally not required to do an explicit check and the default value is nointegrity.
$ adpatch options=integrity
Maintain MRC
You can use the maintainmrc option to specify weather you wish adpatch to execute the Maintain MRC schema as a part of the patch application or not. By default maintain MRC is done for standard patches and is disbaled for tarnslation and documentation patches.
$ adpatch options=nomaintainmrc
Pre requisite Patch Check
If you wish adpatch not to check for pre requisite patches before application of the main patch you can use options=noprereq.By default pre requsite checking is enabled.
$ adpatch options=noprereq
Validate Schemas
If you wish adpatch to explicitly validate all the registed schems by making a connection you can use options=validate. By default this validation is not performed.
$ adpatch options=validate
Java Classes
If you wish adpatch not to copy new java classes from the patch you can use options=nojcopy.By default java classes are copied.
$ adpatch options=nojcopy
Force Copy
By default adpatch copies the files without check the version of the existing files already present on the system.If you do not wish the newer version of the file to be replaced by the older version contained in the patch use options=noforcecopy.
$ adpatch options=noforcecopy
If you wish adpatch not do perform relinking you can use options=nolink.
$adpatch options=nolink
Generate Forms
If you wish adpatch not to generate the forms files you can specify options=nogenform.
$ adpatch options=nogenform
Generate Reports
If you wish adpatch not to generate the report files you can specify options=nogenrep.
$ adpatch options=nogenrep
You could specify multiple options at the command line using the , delimiter.
$ adpatch options=hotpatch,nojcopy
I was applying Apps patch using ADPatch in R12 for the first time and it helped me a lot. Thanks for sharing.
good post
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