Monday, July 11, 2016

Change APPS password in R12.2

1. Shut down the application tier services using the below script:


2. Change the APPLSYS password using


3. Run autoconfig with the newly changed password.

4. Start AdminServer using the $INST_TOP/admin/scripts/ script. Do not start any other application tier services.

5. Change the "apps" password in WLS Datasource as follows:

a. Log in to WLS Administration Console.
b. Click Lock & Edit in Change Center.
c. In the Domain Structure tree, expand Services, then select Data Sources.
d. On the "Summary of JDBC Data Sources" page, select EBSDataSource.
e. On the "Settings for EBSDataSource" page, select the Connection Pool tab.
f. Enter the new password in the "Password" field.
g. Enter the new password in the "Confirm Password" field.
h. Click Save.
i. Click Activate Changes in Change Center.

6. Start all the application tier services using the below script


7. Verify the WLS Datastore changes as follows:

a. Log in to WLS Administration Console.
b. In the Domain Structure tree, expand Services, then select Data Sources.
c. On the "Summary of JDBC Data Sources" page, select EBSDataSource.
d. On the "Settings for EBSDataSource" page, select Monitoring > Testing.
e. Select "oacore_server1".
f. Click Test DataSource
g. Look for the message "Test of EBSDataSource on server oacore_server1 was successful".

Weblogic password change in EBS 12.2

Shutdown the application tier leaving admin server up and running.

$ perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/ -action=updateAdminPassword

Program: started at Mon Jul 11 23:35:03 2016

AdminServer will be re started after changing WebLogic Admin Password
All Mid Tier services should be SHUTDOWN before changing WebLogic Admin Password
Confirm if all Mid Tier services are in SHUTDOWN state. Enter "Yes" to proceed or anything else to exit: Yes

Enter the full path of Applications Context File [DEFAULT - $CONTEXT_FILE]:
Enter the WLS Admin Password:
Enter the new WLS Admin Password:
Enter the APPS user password:

Finding Archivelog Names using the SCN

How to find the Archivelog names using the SCN

During database recovery,we may have a SCN number and need to know the archivelog names.

set pages 300 lines 300
col first_change# for 9,999,999,999
col next_change# for 9,999,999,999

alter session set nls_date_format='DD-MON-RRRR HH24:MI:SS';

select name, thread#, sequence#, status, first_time, next_time, first_change#, next_change# from v$archived_log
where between first_change# and next_change#;

SEQUENCE# number usually shows up on the archivelog name.

If you see 'D' in the STATUS column, the archive log has been deleted from the disk. You may need to restore it from the tape.

rman target /

list backup of archivelog from logseq= until logseq=

restore archivelog from logseq= until logseq=;

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Troubleshooting Workflow Notification Mailer Issues

Find Workflow Notification Mailer is up and Running?

SELECT component_name, component_status
FROM fnd_svc_components
WHERE component_type = ‘WF_MAILER’;

Workflow log’s: FNDCPGSC*.txt under $APPLCSF/$APPLOG directory

Find the Failed One’s?


Check pending e-mail notification that was pending for process.

Sql> SELECT COUNT(*), message_name FROM wf_notifications
AND mail_status = ‘MAIL’
GROUP BY message_name;

Sql> SELECT * FROM wf_notifications
AND mail_status = ‘SENT’
ORDER BY begin_date DESC

Check the Workflow notification has been sent or not?

select mail_status, status from wf_notifications where notification_id=

–If mail_status is MAIL, it means the email delivery is pending for workflow mailer to send the notification
–If mail_status is SENT, its means mailer has sent email
–If mail_status is Null & status is OPEN, its means that no need to send email as notification preference of user is “Don’t send email”
–Notification preference of user can be set by user by logging in application + click on preference + the notification preference

1. Verify whether the message is processed in WF_DEFERRED queue

select * from$wf_deferred a where a.user_data.getEventKey()= ”
– notification id

2. If the message is processed successfully message will be enqueued to WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue, if it errored out it will be enqueued to WF_ERROR queue

select wf.user_data.event_name Event_Name, wf.user_data.event_key Event_Key,
wf.user_data.error_stack Error_Stack, wf.user_data.error_message Error_Msg
from wf_error wf where wf.user_data.event_key = ‘
To check what all mails have went and which all failed ?

Select from_user,to_user,notification_id, status, mail_status, begin_date
from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where status = ‘OPEN’;

Select from_user, to_user, notification_id, status, mail_status,begin_date,USER_KEY,ITEM_KEY,MESSAGE_TYPE,MESSAGE_NAME begin_date
from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where status = ‘OPEN’;

Users complain that notifications are stuck ?

Use the following query to check to see whatever the users are saying is correct

SQL> select message_type, count(1) from wf_notifications
where status=’OPEN’ and mail_status=’MAIL’ group by message_type;

E.g o/p of query –

——– ———-
POAPPRV 11 — 11 mails of Po Approval not sent —
WFERROR 45 — 45 mails have error

If Mail not received by User ?

from wf_users where DISPLAY_NAME=’xxx,yyy’ ;

Status – Active
Notification_preference-> Mailtext
Email Address should not be null

Notification not sent waiting to be mailed ?

SQL> select notification_id, status, mail_status, begin_date from WF_NOTIFICATIONS
where status = ‘OPEN’ and mail_status = ‘MAIL’;
To debug the notification id ?

run wfmlrdbg.sql

Note: 1054215.1 – How to Check if the Workflow Mailer is Running
Note: 415516.1 – How to Check Whether Notification Mailer is Working or Not
Note: 831982.1 – 11i/R12 – A guide for troubleshoting Workflow Notification Emails – Inbound and Outbound
Note: 1012344.7 – Notifications Not Being Sent In Workflow
Note: 560472.1 – Workflow Mailers Not Sending Notifications
Please see (Note: 753845.1 – How to Perform a Meaningful SMTP Telnet Test to Troubleshoot Java Mailer Issues), the same error is reported in this doc.